Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Seven Wonders of My Life...

The Seven Wonders Of My Life

1) My faith and belief that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and that God loves me – even with all the stuff that has gone on with my family, my faith remains. And the knowledge that someday I will see my sister and father again brings me peace.
2) Audrey – How can one little girl that isn’t even my child bring so much love and fulfillment to my life? She is definitely a source of wonder and amazement to me.
3) My sisters – we grew up to be friends as well as sisters. Mary was my best friend, and she was 9 years younger than me. For one thing, she kept me young.
4) My parents – they were married for 47 years and had a loving marriage. They gave us a great upbringing and provided a sound foundation for me to build my life on.
5) My dogs – they love me unconditionally. Yes, they are aggravating at times, but when one comes up and puts it’s snout in my lap and looks at me with those puppy dog eyes – ahhhhh! And they keep me entertained.
6) My extended family – my mom’s brothers and sister and their families have been mainstays in my entire life. They are there for one another and they are fun to be around. Yes, there are squabbles and spats, but they truly love one another and the extended family.
7) The fact that I can have friends from all over the world and can keep up with them through the miracles of modern technology; the internet, e-mail, cell phones, etc.
8) The fact that I’m able to travel freely to just about anywhere I would want to go, and the fact that I can pretty easily get there.

Ok, so that was 8 – shoot me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful heartfelt list!