Thursday, May 02, 2013

Monthly Photography Challenge - Looking Through the Glass

The monthly challenge for May was "Looking Through the Glass".  I hoped to get 5 images this month but got 3.  Hey, it's 2 more than last month.

For my first photo, I shot through the windshield on a rainy morning after I pulled into the parking lot at work.  I thought the lights through the rain drops looked really neat.

The next one was my old man dog, Oscar, through the side view mirror.  I was out looking for Texas Bluebonnets and driving down this country road when I happened to glance in the mirror and saw Oscar thoroughly enjoying the spring day.  I had the towing mirrors on because I was camping in my trailer this weekend.

The final picture this month was taken while camping this past weekend (it's been great camping weather this month!!!) and took a photo of my favorite subject, George the Giraffe.  He's my favorite because he usually stays still while I take his photo, always has a smile and doesn't talk back!

All photos this month are straight out of the camera.

I hope you enjoyed these.  And for more fantastic "through the glass" photos, check out Heidi's blog.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Project 52 - Week 2

I've joined a Project 52 group of photographers on Facebook.  But I thought I would post my photos here as well.  I missed Week 1, but started with Week 2 - so does that mean I'm doing a Project 51?  LOL

This week's theme is Trucks.  So I took these photos of my old blue truck.  It's only 10 years old and has over 175K miles on it - just getting going good, yeah right!

George the Giraffe was trying to drive the truck - good thing he can't reach the pedals!!!