Sunday, April 12, 2009


Audrey and I spent a week together this week for her Spring Break. We went to Washington, D.C. While there we went to several museums and monuments. When I asked Audrey what her favorite was - "Bionical Garden" (Botanical Garden).

We rode the Old Time Trolleys around as our transportation. These are narrated tours throughout the city. Audrey almost had the narration spiel memorized. One night we were trying to remember the tune to Hail To The Chief. They played it everytime we passed the White House. When Audrey finally came up with the melody, she said, "I know that tune, they played it all the time during Obama's irrigation!"

I love that kid!

1 comment:

Amy Eileen said...

Without children, life would be so dull!! LOL I love all her little sayings! Too cute. Its good to see you blogging again!